
Springfield Hellcat Review

Springfield Hellcat Review

When the Hellcat came out, I was intrigued. I knew I had to do a Springfield Hellcat Review. What manner of engineering voodoo can stack so many rounds into a subcompact pistol? I bought one, and darned if I can figure it out, maybe magic. I own the Glock 43. I’ve...

What to do after the Shot!

What to do after the Shot!

After the Shot... You’ve worked all year, hunted all season, and finally here’s your shot, get down on your rifle, control your breathing, line it up and slowly squeeze the trigger. What do you do now? Once your rifle rings out, there are a few signs to look for...

Hunting season has wound down here Oak Creek, What Now?

What Now..... Hunting season has wound down at Oak Creek and you may be wondering “What now?” Oak Creek is home to 4 full time employees and two part time workers. That’s a lot of people for a seasonal business right? Well at Oak Creek we spend 8 months out of the...

Listen to your Guide He knows best

Listen to your Guide He knows best

Listen to your Guide He knows best Listen to the guide he knows best. Look, if you have the money to spend on a guided hunt, why not listen to the guide?  On a pronghorn antelope hunt in Wyoming, I had a 19-year-old guide. The kid was clutch. “Hey, there’s a good...

Take a Kid Hunting

Take a Kid Hunting

Take a Kid Hunting this Year It’s a pretty safe bet, if someone didn’t take us hunting, we wouldn’t be hunters. So take a kid hunting. One of my earliest memories is sitting with my father in the hill country of Texas on a deer hunt. I was barely three-years-old....