Price Lists

Whitetail Supreme Trophy Hunts –
We will hunt you until you harvest this animal

Price includes fully-guided hunt, license, meals and lodging.

Supreme Hunts

Supreme Hunt (Up To 160″)


Supreme Hunt (161-180″)


Supreme Hunt (181-200″)


Supreme Hunt (201″+ Starting @)


Supreme Hunt (Up to 800″)

Price Upon Request

Red Stag Hunts

Management Stag Hunt (240-280″ SCI)


Trophy Hunt (281-300″ SCI)


Trophy Hunt (301-330″ SCI)


Trophy Hunt (331-350″ SCI)


Trophy Hunt (351-370″ SCI)


Trophy Hunt (371-385″ SCI)


Trophy Hunt (386-400″ SCI)


Supreme Hunt (401-700″ SCI)


Contact for More Information

Elk Hunts

Management Elk Hunt (up to 300 SCI)


Trophy Hunt (301-350″ SCI)


Trophy Hunt (351-375″ SCI)


Supreme Hunt (376 – 600″ SCI)


Contact for More Information