Doc and Pops take on the deer world!

Doc and Pops take on the deer world!

Doc and Pops take on the deer world! On September 13th, Doc and his father Pops came to take on Oak Creek. With light fading fast, Ryan broke out the Hoyt and flung a few confidence arrows down range! With the shooting adequate, we hit the field. When there is going...
Trophy Mounts: Doing it Right

Trophy Mounts: Doing it Right

You’ve finally harvested that spectacular trophy buck! You know this is the one you need to mount. What should you do next? Remember, this is more than a trophy–it’s a reminder of what was possibly the most special hunt of your life. You want to do this right....
First Aid Basics for Hunters

First Aid Basics for Hunters

We all know that no matter how careful you are, accidents do happen. Since hunters may not have immediate access to medical help when trouble strikes, it’s important for you to know how to deal with unexpected injuries. Here are the best ways to prepare. Appropriate...
What is the Rut?

What is the Rut?

Rut 1 : an annually recurrent state of sexual excitement in the male deer; broadly : sexual excitement in a mammal especially when periodic 2 : the period during which rut normally occurs — often used with “the” —Merriam-Webster Online Simply put, the rut...
RITE OF PASSAGE: The Next Generation of Hunters

RITE OF PASSAGE: The Next Generation of Hunters

For many families (quite possibly yours) hunting is a family tradition. Hunting skills, knowledge, and wisdom are passed from generation to generation as a cherished rite of passage. A youngster’s first hunt is a family celebration. Unfortunately, the number of...
Tips for Making You a Better Deer Hunter

Tips for Making You a Better Deer Hunter

Whether you’re a veteran buck hunter or a first-timer, these clever tips can help you have more success this season. Human odor spooks deer Before a hunt, shower with unscented soap. Wash your hunting clothes with unscented detergent and seal them in a plastic bag or...