by Oak Creek Whitetail Ranch | Apr 8, 2016 | Hunting, Outdoors, Ozark Spring, Uncategorized, Whitetail Deer
We saw a couple more really nice ones this week. We are seeing some really good mass on these bucks and are really excited to see them later on this summer. We saw this young buck on Wednesday. He had been in the food plot and stopped to give us one final look before...
by Oak Creek Whitetail Ranch | Apr 7, 2016 | Hunting, Missouri Wildflowers, Outdoors, Ozark Spring, Uncategorized
It is incredible the diverse plant life we are seeing now that the brush is cleared up from the spring burns. It is really greening up and we have already found 11 different Ozark wildflowers that we had previously not seen. We have started a wildflowers page on our...
by Oak Creek Whitetail Ranch | Apr 4, 2016 | Blog, Hunting, Outdoors, Ozark Spring, Whitetail Deer
We had a great weekend here at the ranch. It was amazing seeing everything change so much here in a little over a week. The warmer nights are really making the food plots take off and the deer are loving the nicer weather. The guys saw quite a few nice young bucks...
by Oak Creek Whitetail Ranch | Mar 30, 2016 | Blog, Hunting, Missouri Wildflowers, Outdoors, Ozark Spring
Earlier in the year, we had a prescribed spring burn to clean up the ranch and get rid of the brush and downed trees from the winter. We had a couple of perfect days and the burn worked great. This week I went back out to check the burned areas and saw that everything...
by Oak Creek Whitetail Ranch | Mar 30, 2016 | Blog, Hunting, Outdoors, Ozark Spring
Today I went out to check the food plots on the ranch, it looks like we got a perfect stand with our clover from Hunter’s Specialties. The Vita Rack Clover is our brand of choice here at Oak Creek Whitetail Ranch and the deer love it. It was a great day, and...
by Oak Creek Whitetail Ranch | Mar 29, 2016 | Blog, Hunting, Outdoors
It is not even April yet and we are seeing some great starts toward monster buck status on several bucks here at Oak Creek. We have spotted several bucks so far that we showed you in earlier blogs that looked to have pop can size mass to their bases. Today we saw the...
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