How to Cook the Best Venison You’ve Ever Had

How to Cook the Best Venison You’ve Ever Had

We’re not lying when we say that venison is the best kind of meat you could possibly eat. There’s no better feeling than eating a meal that you have hunted and prepared with your own hands, especially one that has the juiciness of beef and the signature taste of the...
How to Use Every Part of Your Hunt

How to Use Every Part of Your Hunt

What do you do with your hunt? If you only take the meat from it and throw away all the rest of the animal, you’re wasting valuable material. While the antlers, hide, bones, and fat are often overlooked, they can provide a number of uses. Learn how to use every part...
Hunting Blinds at Oak Creek Whitetail Ranch

Hunting Blinds at Oak Creek Whitetail Ranch

What Hunting Blinds Do You Use? What kind of hunting blinds do you use to help harvest your whitetail buck each year. Do you have a favorite? At Oak Creek we use several different kinds of stands to help in your hunt of a lifetime, depending on how you want to hunt....

How to build deer fence

Building the fence To be able to raise the best whitetail deer in the country, you have to have a good deer fence. This week, Nick and the guys are putting up a new section of fence. We show you what it takes to get it done. In the beginning, we put in all of the...