Deer Care: Yearling with broken antler

Deer Care: Yearling with broken antler at Oak Creek In the video, Nick and Jacob spotted a yearling in the breeder operation with a broken antler. They have to sedate the buck, cut the antler and and medicate him to make sure he has the best chances to get better....

The Bucks are Growing! Episode 2 of the Yearling Bone Cam!

This is Episode 2 of our yearling buck pen in our breeding operation. They are starting to grow a little more this week, and Donald explains that these deer are from Texas genetics. The Texas genetics cause the body of these deer to be just a bit smaller than most of...

Yearling Monster Buck Bone Cam Is Back

The Yearling Oak Creek Monster Buck Bone Cam Is Back! This year, we are starting with a new bunch of yearlings in the Monster Buck Bone Cam. These young bucks are starting good and we can’t wait to see what they will do as the summer goes along. If you watch...
Adult Onset Hunter

Adult Onset Hunter

Most Hunters are typically born into a hunting family, introduced at an early age, watching and learning from their family. It’s a lifestyle and a passion. However, there is a new breed of hunters – adult onset hunters – that are learning as an adult....

Two Year Old Bone Cam is Back!

Two Year Old Bone Cam Ep 1 5 17 2019 It is that time again. The Oak Creek Bone Cam is back. This year we are starting off with the two year olds. It is the yearling group of bucks you all watched grow out last season. What do you think they will do this year? They are...

How to Locate a Silent Turkey

How to Locate a Silent Turkey Have you ever wondered how to locate a silent turkey, make him gobble or just been out midday and haven’t heard a bird? In this video, Donald goes over some of his best tips on locater calls for birds that are not wanting to gobble....