2020 Oak Creek Harvest

2020 Oak Creek Harvest

216 6.8 355 2.8web 232 1.8web 346 5.8web 2 215 6.8 295 246 5.8 232 1.8 200 6.8web 256 1.8 278 4.8web 255 4.8 266 2.8 208 4.8web 231 1:8 217 3.8web 184 2.8 272 6.8 290web worden 273 4.8 379 3.8 278 1.8 322 2.8 222 1.8 210web 278 2.8 256web 308 5.8web 243 3.8web 314...
Oak Creek Elk Trail Cam

Oak Creek Elk Trail Cam

The elk are really looking good this year. We are very excited for the upcoming season. Last season, our elk averaged well over 400″ with the best being the pending #5 SCI Archery harvest. Keep checking back as we add more photos usually several times a week....