Fitness, used correctly in a sentence: “I changed my diet and started exercising more as I’m working on my fitness.”
Fitness, used incorrectly: “Fitness? Yeah, I’m fitness pizza in my face.”
A basic level of physical capability is always a plus for an outdoorsman. Regular physical exercise and a good diet go a long way.
Want to be steadier shooting offhand? A little muscle tone might help.

Cameron Haynes packs out a big elk. He is a leader in hunting fitness. photo credit tumbler
Want to access hunting areas others don’t frequent? Learn to walk with a bag on your back – by the way, if you are successful that bag is liable to get pretty heavy.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that you should be training for the next Olympic games, but a good walk and some resistance training is always a plus.

Healthy meals, better hunts
I hate to break your hearts, but exercise is only half of the equation. Diet is just as important. We are the fast food generation. A steady diet of Toxic Hell – oops, I mean Taco Bell – isn’t doing you any favors. Lean meats (venison… I hear you can procure a lot of it at Oak Creek), veggies and fruits won’t let you down. Chances are if you are reading the nutrition label and you can’t pronounce the ingredients, it’s not a good pick.
Start off nice and easy. Don’t kill yourself. Little steps every day. Some pushups. A good walk. Some vegetables. It’s not rocket science, but it does take discipline.
We’re all in this together. If you see your buddy leaning out a bit or adding on some muscle, let them know you’ve noticed… just don’t be weird about it.
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