Bone Cam Episode 5 (Yearlings)

This week in the 5th episode of the Yearling Bone Cam, they are starting to push bone a lot more. We can’t wait to see them growing in the next couple of weeks. This time of year you can almost see them...

Episode 9 (On The Ranch)

This week, we talk about and show you the new Hygrade grader blade we have at Oak Creek. With the storms we get it is a necessity to have a good blade to correct the roads after they have been washed out. Shane and Donald both show different things the blade can do in...

Bone Cam Episode 2 The Two Year Edition

What a great week it has been for the two year old bucks. They are pushing tine length extremely well and we are seeing some great bucks develop. As you watch this week, look for the buck with the stacked in tines, he is a mainframe 7×7 now and looks to be...

Bone Cam Episode 4 (The Yearlings)

It was a great week for the yearlings, they are really starting to push now and are showing some great width, tine length and mass. Can’t ask for much more. Also make sure to check out the mature buck at the 45 second mark of the video. He is going to be a...

Episode 8

Donald was away this week and the guys decided to talk about what you need to do to grow big whitetails on your own land. From food plots to mineral licks, they will give you many of the pointers that lead us to some of the biggest whitetails in the...