Big Whitetail Deer
Do you like watching big whitetail deer? How about a weekly video of big whitetail bucks so you can see their growth over the summer?
Oak Creek Bone Cam
Well, if you do, you have come to the right spot. Oak Creek Whitetail Ranch, one of the top whitetail deer hunting outfitters and breeding operations. We are now running a video series called the Oak Creek Bone Cam. In this series, we follow a group of yearlings and a group of two year olds in a weekly video so you can see their progress.

The Bone Cam the 2 year old edition
We started the yearlings Bone Cam about the beginning of June and started the two year olds the first week of July. It is amazing, how much the yearlings have gained in such a short time. We can’t wait to see what the two year olds will do. We are sure they will grow into some really big whitetail.
The yearling bucks series comes out every Wednesday and the two year olds on Thursdays. So don’t miss out on the opportunity to watch some of the biggest prettiest bucks in their age groups pack on the antler.
In each of the groups, you will see a mature buck or two. These big whitetail bucks are there to keep the peace and will prevent fighting later on in the year. It also gives you some idea of what the bucks will look like when they are three and four years old. The perfect situation for you to practice on learning how to age deer in a live video environment.
Click the video below to watch the first episode of the 2 Year Old Bone Cam.
These big whitetail bucks are not on the hunting preserve. They are not hunt-able deer, they do have tags and are in our breeding operation. This allows you to age the deer and then look at their tag color so you know for sure just how old they are.
There is a subscribe button at the end of the video. Click on it to get linked to the Oak Creek YouTube page so you never miss another video from the guys at Oak Creek. You can also click on the video playlist links at the bottom of the video. It will take you directly to that playlist.
If you would like to know more about the ranch, give us a call or send us an email. We would love to hear from you and to tell you about the ranch and what makes us the best whitetail hunting ranch in the country.
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