Who’s going to pass up unprocessed, antibiotic-free meat that costs you nothing? Not us! Here’s what you should know about making venison a regular part of your diet.

Not only does venison taste great, but it also contains less fat than beef and is chock full of nutrients. Best of all, deer meat is a sustainable protein that can contribute significantly to a healthy lifestyle.

Protein – Deer is an excellent source of lean protein. A three-ounce serving of cooked deer meat contains roughly the same protein as beef (23 grams) but only about 159 calories compared to 232 in the same amount of cooked ground beef. Good to know if you’re trying to lose a few pounds!

A good source of protein in your diet supports healthy bones, cartilage, nails, muscle, and skin. If you’re looking to build muscle mass, a high-protein diet is just what you need.

Micronutrients – Venison contains a wealth of micronutrients such as vitamin B12, zinc, and niacin. Vitamin B12 aids red blood cell production and nerve function and plays a role in DNA synthesis. If your system is deficient in B12, you might suffer low energy and depression, among other symptoms.

Zinc is necessary, in small amounts, in your daily diet. It serves as an antioxidant, helps healthy cell division, and is essential for over a hundred enzyme reactions in your body. Zinc is known for reducing the length of respiratory infections, including the common cold.

Niacin contributes to your well-being in several ways, including heart health, brain function, and the mitigation of skin conditions.

A Few Cautions – Is deer meat healthy? Definitely! However, there are a few cautions you should keep in mind.

Use safe storage and cooking practices, including keeping meat in a refrigerator or freezer and cooking it to an internal temperature of 160 degrees. Remember that venison should not be eaten in excess. It is red meat and should be part of a balanced diet to preserve your heart health.