Take a Kid Hunting this Year

It’s a pretty safe bet, if someone didn’t take us hunting, we wouldn’t be hunters. So take a kid hunting.

One of my earliest memories is sitting with my father in the hill country of Texas on a deer hunt. I was barely three-years-old.

Dad had a way of keeping little people quiet during a hunt. Tons of candy. Solid plan… there was only one glitch.

We were covered up in does. Some of them were 10-yards away. Dad was waiting for a buck to come out. With deer all around us, I pulled out a packet of Smartees and ripped into the cellophane packaging. We immediately had the undivided attention of a couple dozen does.

Dad shouldered his rifle and took aim at a big doe.


A strand of barbed wire fence stepped in the way of the bullet. Deer stampeded out of the county.

I looked at my father, wide-eyed at how loud the rifle was… and downed a handful of my Smartees. Priorities.

My Dad just looked at me and burst out laughing. To this day, that’s his favorite hunting story.

Take a kid hunting. Bring plenty of candy. Spoil them. Make it fun.

Oak Creek loves to bring the joy and excitement of hunting to youths and their families each year. If you are looking for that special hunt for your family give us a call. 573-943-6644